Cheryl Lewis, 48, is another
convert to using regular exercise to control a moderately severe case of
rheumatoid arthritis, another type.
Three years ago, Cheryl started to
develop mild pain in her joints on both sides of her body. Her knuckles, middle
joints of her fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles all bothered her to
some extent as she went about her daily household chores.
Over a period of 3 months, the pain
began to worsen, but that was not Cheryl’s only problem. Her mantel state was
deteriorating even faster. The fear of developing a severe case of arthritis,
like the one had made an invalid of her father, was beginning to paralyze Cheryl.
The picture of him sitting idly in his favorite rocking chair by the kitchen
windows, day in and day out, began to haunt her thoughts. He had developed such
bad arthritis before age 50 that he’d been forced to quit work and live on
disability insurance. Cheryl was too frightened to see her father’s footsteps.
Instead she endured her aches and pains in silence, hoping that she’d wake up
one day to discover it was all a bad dream.
Instead of awakening from a
bad dream, Cheryl began awakening in the morning with a body that was stiff all
over. It took about 2 hours before her stiff joints would loosen up. Not only
those, her joints were often swollen and warm to touch. And she was having a
hard time coping with her usual housework. She tired more easily and, for the
first time in her life, was losing weight without trying.
Cheryl’s husband noticed the
changes and insisted she see the family doctor for a checkup. It didn’t take
Cheryl’s doctor long to confirm her worst fear. Yes, her father’s nemesis was
also hers. Although there was still no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, her
physician explained, treatment of the disease had come a long way since the
time her father suffered from it, 30 years earlier. There was a reasonably good
chance she could still lead an active, productive life by adhering to a special
treatment and rehabilitation programs; he referred her to a specialist, called
a rheumatologist.
Cheryl’s rheumatologist was even
more optimistic. She immediately put her on medication to alleviate the pain,
stiffness, and swelling and monitored her progress closely for months,
modifying her drug therapy according to her response to it. Once Cheryl started
to feel better physically and stopped her mental brooding, she moved into the
second phase- a comprehensive rehabilitation program that included physically
as well as occupational therapy. The rheumatologist also encouraged her to join
the Arthritis Foundation to meet others with her condition and to learn more
about the disease and treatments. (For information about the foundation and its
many outstanding service, contact your local chapter or write to Arthritis
Foundation, P.O Box 19000, Atlanta, GA 30326, United States.)
About 18 months after the first
onset of symptoms, Cheryl had reached the happy state in which her condition
was no longer active: The arthritis wasn’t progressing and, if anything, seemed
to be getting better. However, her functional capacity was limited to class 3
of the scheme. That’s when she came to the Cooper Clinic for exercise therapy
at our Cooper Fitness Center. I first met Cheryl in our medically supervised
exercise program. As was true for her peers in the program, her still-fragile
condition necessitated exercise under the watchful eyes of health
professionals, ready to respond to any emergencies.
I started Cheryl on range-of-motion
and stretching exercise plus isometric muscle-strengthening exercise. After 4
weeks of isometrics, her strength had increased enough for her to start on
isotonic exercise using resistance rubber bands, which she preferred to the
hand-held weight that many of our other patients use. The rubber bands were
easier for her to grip because her arthritis had caused finger deformities.
At the same time, Cheryl was doing
an aerobic exercise program of stationary cycling and slows walking. I
gradually increased the duration over 12 weeks until she was able to do 20
minutes of each during a session. However, frequent fatigue made it necessary
to introduce Cheryl to concept of interval training. If aerobics made her
unduly tired, she could slow down until she got a second wind-or, if really
necessary, stop until she felt able to continue.
After 3 months in this program she
was still earning less than 50 health points each week-the minimum recommended
level. But her stamina and confidence were so much improved that I allowed her
to go it alone from then on, provided she did only the exercise I assigned to
her. If she wanted to branch out and try new physically activities, she had to
confer with me first.
Today, Cheryl does water aerobics
twice a week augmented with vigorous walks around the path of our center. She
fills in with stationary cycling and an occasional outdoor bike excursion with
her family. It’s the rare week when she earns 100 health points, but that’s
okay. For Cheryl, consistently earning over 50 points is all that I ask. Even
that much is enough to confer the health benefits she needs to aid her
recovery. The health benefits are already obvious: Her aerobic fitness has
increased by almost 50% and her strength by a staggering 75%. Interval training
is no longer necessary because her weakness and fatigue are substantially
reduced. Although her medication hasn’t changed since she’s been exercising,
she has less pain and stiffness overall in her joints.
I’m happy to report that the memory
of her father’s affliction no longer haunts Cheryl because it’s clear to her
that she’s broken the mold. She’s not confined to life in a rocking chair.
Instead, she’s actively pursuing the good life and is living proof that despite
rheumatoid arthritis you can defy the odds. For Cheryl, the real bonus from her
workouts is being able to garden again.
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